Antistatic Leenol Storage ESD SMT for Cleanroom Use Magazine Rack Ln- B803

Model NO.
Guide Slot of Side Plate
Depth 3mm, Width 5.5mm, Pitch 10mm
Top and Bottom Base
Metal Base
Fix Method
Screw or Gear Track Adjustable
Side Plate
Five Pieces Assembled
Transport Package
Production Capacity
Reference Price
$ 19.80 - 25.20

Product Description

Smooth-Width adjustment using our patented rack & pinion system. 
ESD Safe plastic card guides, 50 slots. 
Heat-resistant card guides for board temperature up to 200°C.
Compatible with all brands of equipment.
Leenol Rack is RoHS compliance.

Model No.
 AJ Method
Outer Dimension Card Guide
Ref. Position
Slots Wight
LN-A801 P Screw Adjust. 80°C 355 315 580 80-250 353 3.5 7.0 10 34 34 50 5
LN-A802 P Screw Adjust. 80°C 355 315 305 80-250 353 3.5 7.0 10 34 35.5 25 3.4
LN-B803 M Screw/
Gear Track
80°C 355 320 563 50-250 353 3.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 5
LN-B803HT M Screw/
Gear Track
120°C 355 320 563 50-250 353 3.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 5
LN-B803HT200 M Screw/
Gear Track
200°C 355 320 563 50-250 353 3.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 6
LN-B804 P Gear Track 80°C 355 320 563 50-250 353 3.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 4.5
LN-B804HT P Gear Track 120°C 355 320 563 50-250 353 3.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 4.5
LN-B805 M Screw/
Gear Track
80°C 355 320 563 50-250 353 3.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 6.5
LN-B805HT M Screw/
Gear Track
120°C 355 320 563 50-250 353 3.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 6.5
LN-B806 P Gear Track 80°C 355 320 563 50-250 353 3.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 6.0
LN-B806HT P Gear Track 120°C 355 320 563 50-250 353 3.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 6.0
LN-C807 M Screw/
Gear Track
80°C 460 400 563 50-330 460 4.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 8.0
LN-C807HT M Screw/
Gear Track
120°C 460 400 563 50-330 460 4.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 8.0
LN-C807HT200 M Screw/
Gear Track
200°C 460 400 563 50-330 460 4.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 9.8
LN-C815 M Screw/
Gear Track
80°C 400 320 563 50-250 400 3.0 5.5 10 34 34 50 6.0
LN-D808 M Screw/
Gear Track
80°C 535 460 570 50-390 530 4.0 5.5 10 34 37 50 10.5
LN-D808HT M Screw/
Gear Track
120°C 535 460 570 50-390 530 4.0 5.5 10 34 37 50 10.5
LN-E809 M Screw/
Gear Track
80°C 535 530 570 120-460 530 4.0 5.5 10 34 38 50 12.0
LN-E809HT M Screw/
Gear Track
120°C 535 530 570 120-460 530 4.0 5.5 10 34 38 50 12.0
LN-F810 M Screw Adjust. 80°C 630 530 570 50-460 630 3.5 6.5 10 34 37 50 13.0
LN-B811 P Chain Track 80°C 355 320 560 50-250 353 3.0 4.5 10 34 34 50 6.0
LN-B814 M Screw/
Gear Track
550°C 355 320 563 80-250 355 3.0 8 10 34 34 50 6.8
Antistatic Leenol Storage ESD SMT for Cleanroom Use Magazine Rack Ln-B803
Antistatic Leenol Storage ESD SMT for Cleanroom Use Magazine Rack Ln-B803

Antistatic Leenol Storage ESD SMT for Cleanroom Use Magazine Rack Ln-B803
Antistatic Leenol Storage ESD SMT for Cleanroom Use Magazine Rack Ln-B803

Antistatic Leenol Storage ESD SMT for Cleanroom Use Magazine Rack Ln-B803
Antistatic Leenol Storage ESD SMT for Cleanroom Use Magazine Rack Ln-B803
Antistatic Leenol Storage ESD SMT for Cleanroom Use Magazine Rack Ln-B803

Antistatic Leenol Storage ESD SMT for Cleanroom Use Magazine Rack Ln-B803